1. What documents do I need to submit to the EAC when making an application for the supply of electricity to my property?
A completed application form stating the requested load
A building/planning permit
The title deed to the property
A building permit site plan
2. What documents do I need to submit to the EAC when making an application for the supply of electricity for a water pump?
A completed application form stating the requested load. This information may be obtained from your licensed electrical contractor.
A drilling permit and a water pumping permit
The title deed to the property
A drilling permit site plan
3. What documents do I need to submit to the EAC when making an application to install an EAC solar water heater?
A completed application form stating the requested load. This information may be obtained from your licensed electrical contractor.
A copy of a recent electricity bill for the property
A site plan showing the area for which the solar water heater is intended
Applicants are advised not to proceed with electrical installations for solar heaters or with purchases of/commitments to purchase solar heaters before obtaining written approval of their application from the EAC.
4. How quickly can I obtain a supply of electricity?
The time required for the provision of supply depends on a number of factors:
The size of the requested load
If there is an electricity supply network in the area
The capacity of the existing network
The EAC’s workload at the specific time
When there is an electricity supply network
When the provision of the requested load is via the existing network, in most cases the EAC will send you the terms of supply within a period of one month to six weeks.
When the electricity supply network has to be extended/modified
When the provision of the requested load requires the extension or modification of the electricity supply network, the process takes considerably longer, especially if a substation or an extension to the Medium Voltage network is deemed necessary.
In the majority of such cases, approval is required from various Government Departments and Services as well as the consent of affected landowners, procedures that are beyond the control of the EAC.
Indicative times
Below are indicative times for the dispatch of the terms of supply, which cover 80% of cases. As noted above, there are unfortunately situations over which the EAC has no control in which these times are exceeded.
When the Low Voltage network requires an extension or strengthening, in most cases the EAC sends the terms of supply to the applicant in less than 8 or 9 months.
When an electrical substation (on private land) is required, in most cases the EAC sends the terms of supply to the applicant within 12-14 months, provided that the applicant has in the meantime obtained a building permit for development of the land and for the substation and responds punctually to the EAC’s invitation to draw up the necessary purchasing contract for the substation.
When the Medium Voltage network needs to be extended, the supply process takes longer since a land survey has to be carried out along the line and usually requires obtaining the consent of many more landowners.
In most cases, the EAC sends the terms of supply to the applicant within 14-16 months.
The time required for the construction of a new network depends to a large extent on the size of the project. For example, less time is needed to build simple extensions to the Low Voltage network than to plan and build extensions to the Medium Voltage network (11 000 or 2 200 volts), the connection of which may require cutting all or part of the feed from the central Transmission/Distribution substation.
The time for the applicant’s connection to the electricity network depends on the date on which an application is submitted by the customer’s electrician for an electrical installation inspection.
5. Why is the EAC pole/network located on the edge of my property rather than elsewhere?
The EAC’s usual practice regarding new extensions, wherever possible, is to locate extensions along streets and rights of way. In such cases, the new electricity network is developed on one side of the street and poles are erected on the edges of the properties.
Regarding extensions in rural areas where there are no roads, the EAC network is developed mainly along borders.
A significant role in any decision by the EAC to develop its network is played by environmental criteria such as minimizing any effect on private property.
Any extension to the EAC network is based on technical restrictions (such as the type of network, the maximum permitted distance between poles, the need for fixing or support), the Law on Electricity, Transmission and Distribution Regulations, the relative EAC regulations, EU recommendations and directives, environmental criteria and various recommendations by authorities such as the District Office, the Ombudsman, etc.
6. Why is the electrical substation located on my property which is under development rather than elsewhere?
For technical reasons, but also based on the principle of proportionality (a principle recommended to us by the Ombudsman and other relevant authorities), electrical substations are first and foremost located within the developments that create a need for them.
Such substations are located on the borders of building plots (preferably in areas surrounded by greenery so as to maximize the distance from residential developments), in commercial and industrial developments, in apartment bocks and/or other developments requiring a significant electrical load.
The EAC’s substations, like the whole of its network, are developed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the directives and recommendations of the European Union.
7. Why is a transformer mounted on the pole located on my property, which is under development, rather than elsewhere?
The EAC mounts transformers on poles mainly in rural areas and villages. Such transformers are usually located on the edges of the parcels of land where applicants have requested electricity since it is their supply that requires the installation of a transformer. The EAC informs applicants of the location of the transformer in order to minimize any effect it may have.
In cases where such transformers are required to boost the electricity network (irrespective of whether there is an applicant or not), the EAC endeavours to install them wherever possible on state land and public roads, preferably on the borders of plots, with a view to minimizing any possible effect on private property.
These transformers, like the whole of the EAC network, are developed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the directives and recommendations of the European Union.
8. In which cases is the electricity supply provided via underground cabling?
Underground electricity supply is provided to:
Buildings under construction on newly-divided plots in urban municipal areas where there is an existing underground electricity network.
Buildings under construction in areas of core towns and villages where there is an existing underground electricity network.
Homes in urban areas where the EAC’s existing overhead network is developed on the side of the road where the applicant’s home is located.
Underground electricity supply is not provided to homes, for technical and operational reasons, when the EAC’s overhead network has been developed on the opposite side of the road, except in cases where the underground supply to an applicant’s home can be combined with development work on the EAC’s underground network.
9. What is required for a connection/reconnection/transfer/disconnection of the electricity supply in the name of a natural person or legal entity?
If the customer is a natural person, the following documents are required:
If the customer is a legal entity (company), the following documents are required:
A copy of the certificate of registration of the company
A copy of the certificate of shareholders and director
A company stamp
A guarantee signed by a director or legal representative to guarantee payment of any outstanding electricity bill of the company. If the guarantee is signed outside the EAC, it must be certified by a notary public. If the legal entity is a public company or an offshore company, no such guarantee is required.
A rental or sales agreement
It should be noted that the person signing on behalf if the company must be its legal representative. In the case of authorization of someone else, the authorization must be certified by a notary public.
10. When will the electricity supply to my property be connected/reconnected?
Reconnection takes place the next working day at the latest.
For a new connection/meter installation, 3-6 working days are required.
11. Who is eligible for the special 08 tariff?
The domestic use special tariff for specific categories of vulnerable customers with code 08 is applicable to customers who either themselves or other person with whom they live permanently, are included to each of the following categories of customers provided they are Cypriot citizens or citizens of any other Member Country of the European Union or the European Economic Area or citizens with equal rights to the above, who are legally residing in the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus:
Public Assistance recipients from the Social Welfare Services of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Guaranteed Minimum Income provided by the Welfare Benefits Administration Service of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Large families that receive Child Benefit from the Welfare Benefits Administration Service of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare for three or more dependent children
Beneficiaries of Severe Motor Disability Allowance from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Care Allowance for Paraplegic Persons from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Care Allowance for Quadriplegic Persons from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Mobility Allowance for hemodialysis patients from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Special Allowance for Blind Persons from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of a Special Monthly Pension from the Patient Relief Fund, whose details will be provided on a continuous basis by the Committee for the Relief of Patients, which operates based on the provisions of the Relief of Patients Law No.114/1998 as amended from time to time or replaced
Patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People suffering from multiple sclerosis (ms) whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People after heart transplant surgery whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People with active Acromegaly whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
Patients with Cushing syndrome whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People with Pheochromocytoma whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People with autoimmune diabetic neuropathy whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
Patients with permanent tracheostomy whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
Patients with primary or metastatic Central Nervous System tumor (brain or spinal cord) whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization.
The above are eligible for the special tariff (code 08) provided that the electricity bill is in their name or in that of their spouse. The application form must be completed by the person in whose name the electricity supply is registered.
12. On my electricity bill there is a reference to a “Fuel Adjustment Charge”. Is this an additional charge?
No, it is not an additional charge. However, under the new billing system which was introduced on 16 May 2008, in order to provide better customer information the amount payable is analysed in detail on the electricity bill and divided into:
The basic price according to the corresponding tariff and
The Fuel Adjustment Charge, depending on any increase/reduction in the monthly fuel cost. For more information, click on Customer Service/Tariffs/Fuel Cost.
13. What is the Fuel Adjustment Charge and what is it for?
The EAC’s approved tariffs have been designed in such way so as to be automatically adjusted to cover any increase or decrease in the cost of fuel per metric tonne (M.T.), through the fuel adjustment charge. This charge is calculated every month and is applied to the following month’s monthly bills and to the next but one bi-monthly bills.
The EAC’s basic tariffs have been set on the basis of fuel cost of €300 per M.T.. The price of unit charged for electricity consumption is increased or decreased for every 1 cent above or below of €300 per M.T. of fuel cost. The Coefficient of Fuel Adjustment varies according to the Supply Voltage Level of the premises. The values of the Coefficient of Fuel Adjustment are revised on a six-month period basis, according to the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority’s Decisions, which are published at the following web address: Fuel Cost
See also relevant example for the calculation of total price of each unit (KWh) in the following link: Calculating the Total Unit Price (per kWh)
14. When international oil prices fall, why is the cost of electricity not reduced automatically?
Any fall in oil prices only affects the Fuel Adjustment Charge which is indicated separately on your electricity bill and this, in turn, affects the amount payable for the Fuel Adjustment Charge as shown in the analysis for the period of the bill.
The large fuel stocks, which the EAC is obliged to maintain in compliance with an EU directive, act as a stabilizing factor on the cost of fuel. In other words, when oil prices rise there is a delay in the corresponding rise in price of electricity which is applied gradually, and when oil prices fall, any reduction in the price of electricity is also applied gradually.
The EAC draws up annual contracts with its suppliers following an international tendering process. The contracts are based on Platts international prices and prices are in US dollars per metric tonne (M.T.). It should be noted that there is no direct link between the Platts price per M.T. and the price per barrel of crude oil to which reference is often made, since prices are determined by the law of supply and demand. It should also be noted that the US$/€ exchange rate is a significant factor in the purchase price of the EAC’s fuel.
15. How is the credit balance on my final bill refunded?
If the credit balance is in the name of a natural person and amounts to €500 or less, you have to visit an EAC Customer Service Office in person to receive the sum in cash. You need to provide proof of identity and sign a relevant form confirming receipt of the specific amount.
If the credit balance is in the name of a legal entity (company) and amounts to €500 or less, the company must provide a letter of authorization for the individual who will receive the sum in cash, and the authorized person must bring the company stamp with him/her in order to stamp the credit refund document.
If the amount is in excess of €500, a
form (Authorization credit balance refund of electricity account) must be completed for the electronic transfer of the amount.
If the beneficiary is a natural person and has another electricity bill in his/her name, the amount may be transferred. In the case of a legal entity, a written request from the company is essential.
16. My electricity bill has been calculated on the basis of an estimated meter reading which I do not accept. Can I give you the actual meter reading and have my bill reviewed?
Yes, you can do this by telephone or online by clicking here.
When a customer gives the reading of the meter on his/her premises, the bill is reviewed following the relevant investigation by EAC staff.