The Distribution System Operator Unit is responsible for:

  • The development and operation of a reliable and efficient electricity distribution network

  • The development and maintenance of a meter repository and reliable recording and meter reading management (ring-fenced department)

  • Distribution Network operation (use and access)

  • Compliance with current legislation governing the control, connection and supply of electricity produced with renewables.

  • Definition of Terms & Conditions for access to and use of the Distribution Network and conformation of the Market Rules concerning the Distribution Network.

  • The timely provision of complete user information for an effective access to the Distribution Network.


The DSO is, moreover, a neutral market facilitator and a catalyst regarding the implementation of new technology such as, for example, smart grids, which shall provide effective services to all market participants (producers, suppliers, consumers and prosumers) via smart infrastructure and technologies, thus enabling transparent, impartial, fair and non-discriminatory access to the network.

Through its economically and technically efficient network infrastructure the DSO ensures:

  • A continuous, reliable and high-quality electricity supply at the lowest possible network user cost.

  • Economical and effective incorporation of distributed RES into the network, thereby contributing to energy electrification and carbon-free, sustainable economic growth.

  • A level of service that exceeds the expectations of all market players and network users.    
