Typical Plans for Manholes for accepting cables

​Series:   Typical Plans for Manholes for accepting cables


Plans: Autocad FILE (dwg file) - Τυπικά σχέδια  

            Autodesk Design Web Format File (dwg file) - Τυπικά σχέδια



Drawing #Drawing Title
 ΤΗ-49 Sh. 1-3 Typical Plans of cable receiving manholes ( in Substations)
 TH-49 Sh. 4 Typical Plans of cable receiving manholes (drainage cables)
 TH-49 Sh. 5 Typical Plans of cable receiving manholes ( Τυπικά σχέδια φρεατίων υποδοχής καλωδίων (innertubing ordering from ditch to Substation or building to border)