The Photovoltaic (PV) Park is located at
Tseri and is built in the area of the existing High Voltage Sub-Station. Its'
nominal capacity is 3MWp and currently is the largest PV Park in Cyprus. The
Park is another EAC activity in the area of Renewable Energy Sources.
This project has been materialized under
the tendering procedure published by the "Special Fund for Renewable
Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Conservation (Econ)" in 2012 for the sale
of energy generated by PV Parks of a total capacity of 50MW. The Park is
comprised of 12.000 solar panels and covers approximately 4,6 acres of land. It
is expected to generate 5.000MWh per year whilst 3.600 tones of Carbon Dioxide
emissions (CO2) per year will be avoided.

The Park has been designed in a way to
minimize as much as possible the environmental impact. The PV panels' support
system is based on directly buried galvanized poles without the need of any
concrete foundations reducing significantly the extent of civil works.
Following the licensing of the PV Park
by all competent authorities, the erection works commenced in January 2014 and
completed at the end of April 2014. The EPC Contractor was AKTOR
ATE/Photovoltaic Branch, which has an overall experience of more than 400MW.
The electrical energy selling price is
set to 8,6 €cent/kWh. As per the Tender conditions, EAC will be paying the
difference between the cost avoidance and the selling price of electrical
energy that is generated from the PV Park, to the "Special Fund for
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Conservation (Econ)".
The Non-Regulated Activities Unit is
responsible for: