Benefits of the plan:
Main features of the plan:
This plan applies only to Domestic Customers. Customers under Net-Metering Scheme are excluded.
The plan operates on a monthly basis and each cycle covers a period of 12 months starting from the joining date.
At the end of each 12month cycle the plan is automatically renewed.
The monthly instalment is based on the history of electric energy consumption at your premises and the current fuel cost charge. The minimum monthly payment is €25.
The amount of the monthly instalment may be revised during the year. The premises' consumption is recorded on a bi-monthly basis and the amount of the monthly instalment is readjusted, if necessary, to avoid large credit or debit balances.
At the end of the 12month cycle, the amount charged will be compared with the amount paid via the monthly payments. The final payable/returnable amount will be equally spread over the following 12month cycle.
The total actual amount that a customer will eventually be charged for the 12month cycle if he joins the plan is the same with the amount he would be charged if he didn't join.
Meter reading and the relevant bill issue for this service will continue to be carried out on a bi-monthly basis as before joining the plan. For information purposes the Customers of this plan will continue to receive the bimonthly bill. Those Customers who will choose to settle their instalment in a method other than Direct Debit or Payroll will also receive a monthly reminder.
The amount of the instalment is paid on the 6th-7th day of each month. In case that two instalments are not settled, the account will be removed from the plan automatically and the amount due is immediately payable.
Monthly instalments can be settled:
By direct debit from your bank account (direct debit orders are available at our Customer Service Centres).
At our Customer Service Centres.
At Banks (the “monthly reminder" should be presented for payment).
With a bank card through the EAC website or the website of any Bank.
Through your payroll (if this facility is offered by the employer).
Via e-banking
Via telephone with a bank card
A prerequisite for joining the monthly instalment plan is the repayment of the last issued bill.
You can obtain the application form to join the bill payment with monthly instalment plan from any of our Customer Service Centres or from EAC Supply website.
Application form to join/withdraw - Monthly Instalments Scheme
Completed applications may be submited by one of the following methods: