Network User Connection

Connection Process to the Distribution System

The approved "Connection Process to the Distribution System" according to decision No. 134/2024 of
CERA can be found here. ( ​***The document is only available in Greek***).

It is emphasized that the Connection Process to the Distribution System will come into effect by a subsequent decision of CERA once all the tasks stipulated by Regulatory Decisions No. 01/2022 and No. 02/2022 are completed and approved by CERA.

Procedure for connecting premises with the Electrical Grid

  1. Overview
  2. Connection procedure to the EAC Network
  3. Connection procedure to Electricity Supplier
  4. Contact Information 
1. Overview

EAC is carrying out Operational Unbundling in compliance with the Regulatory Decision of the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA), which implements the corresponding provisions of the EU.​

Through Operational Unbundling, the four Core Regulated Activities – the monopoly activities of Transmission and Distribution and the competitive activities of Generation and Supply – are separate operations within the EAC. Operational Unbundling ensures that the EAC does not exploit its dominant position and that equal opportunities are offered to private sector producers or suppliers.

At present, Operational Unbundling does not substantially affect the relationship between the EAC and its customers. However, it has been clarified that the term "consumer" refers to the commercial relationship between the EAC/ Supply and its customers, while "network user" refers to the technical aspect of connecting to the network (Transmission or Distribution). The term "network user" refers to either consumers or electricity producers.

Currently, all consumers are considered EAC customers. With the operation of the liberalised Electricity Market and the activities of independent suppliers, consumers will be in a position to choose their supplier.

The following information regard European Union citizens who wish to relocate in Cyprus. On this website you will find various applications and guidance for the connection process with EACs' electricity network as well are the connection process with an Electricity Supplier.

Related Content

Operational Unbundling

New Connections

Supply Additional Load

Resiting of Network

Inspecti​on of a new Installation and re inspection of an existing Installation



2.  Connection procedure to the EAC Network

For the following type of connections (New Supplies, supply additional load) the application for services provision (New Supplies, supply additional load) needs to be filled as well as provide the necessary documentation that is described in the User Instructions on the back of the application.

For resiting of network applications, the application for services provision (Other Services)​​ is required.

Detailed instructions can be found on the related content links as well as on the applications.

Any connection process with EACs' electricity network

has to be under the responsibility of an electrician, licensed to operate within Cyprus. The electrician will be responsible to provide the requested documents, among others the necessary documents required for the Inspection of a new installation and reinspection of an existing installation.

3. Connection procedure to Electricity Supplier​

Following the successful connection with EACs' electrical network, every network user will have to choose his own Electricity Supplier with whom he will be connected through EACs' network.

For more information regarding how to connect with EAC Supply, as well as charges click the related link EAC Supply.

 With the introduction of new Electricity Suppliers every consumer who wishes to change their supplier will have to fill out appropriate application to change their supplier.

4. Contact Information  

For further information as well as customer service the following contact information is provided:

Through EACs' website:

Contact Phones:

1800 – Network User Support Center

(+357) 80006001 – Information on the Electrification application​
