
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Τhe e-charge service is offered by EAC to electric vehicle owners based in Cyprus. With this service the owners of electric vehicles will have access to safe and reliable electric vehicle charging in public places where chargers have been installed.

​​​e-charge Station

The charging system infrastructure is controlled and managed by the Non-Regulated Activities Unit of EAC and monitors the charging of electric vehicle throughout the duration of the charging. The electric vehicle charging stations installed by EAC are using Mode 3 charging with two-way communication between the vehicle and the charging station throughout the duration of the charging period. There are two (2) Type 2 sockets in each charging station in accordance with the international standards and recommendations of the European Commission and Eurelectric.

Each user of the system will be charged €25 on the first invoice, for connection fee and issuance of RFID card, as well as a deposit of ​30 for each RFID card which will be returned if the user wishes to end the agreement. The subscri​ption fee will be €5,76 plus VAT every two months. If the RFID card is lost or the electric vehicle owner requires an additional card, then they need to visit any CSC to reissue (the reissue cost is €5​)  or issue an additional RFID card ( the cost of an additional card is €25 and a deposit of €30​​). Invoices will be sent to owners of electric vehicles every two months. 

​The tariff (€/kWh charges) for the e-charge service is shown in the table below:​


​​Regular Charging

€/ kWh

Fast Charging

€/ kWh







January-August 2022



​​September-October 2022​​



​November 2022 -


The semi-fast charging stations installed by EAC allow charging of electric vehicle up to 21kW (3-Ph) regular charging and 50 kW DC fast charging. In each charging station there are two (2) Type 2, charging plugs and can serve two vehicles  simultaneously at full load.

The electric vehicle​ charging stations have been installed  in public places covering the whole of Cyprus, in order to serve the electric vehicle owner to drive the electric car throughout Cyprus . In the link below you will find a navigation map with the charging stations as well as their availability.

Navigation ​Map

​​​The main target of the e-charge Service is the promotion of the electric vehicle in Cyprus in order to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions for a better and clearer environment for Cyprus and our society.​

User Manual

Technical Information.pdf

​​​Frequently​​ Asked Questions.pdf

Customer registration process in the e-charge service

​1. The customer can download through the website or can find in any EAC Customer Service Center (CSC) the following forms:​

Ε-Ζ-001_Application for the provision of e_charge Service.pdf

Ε-Ζ-003_e-charge Service Agreement.pdf

The customer should study the forms, fill in all the information requested and sign them before visiting the CSC to be served. It is noted that in case the applicant is a company, a Seal of the company is required.

2. The customer will hand over the signed forms to the CSC officer and must show an identity card or passport for identification and / or a legally valid data - authorization in case he is an authorised person to carry out the above act. The CSC officer will hand over the RFID card(s) to the customer.

3. A copy of the Agreement will be sent via email to the customer and the card(s) will be activated.

4. The Non-Regulated Activities Unit will send the customer an invoice for the connection of the service and for the deposit. An invoice for the use of the e-charge service will also be sent every two months.​

P​​rocedure for issuing an additional RFID card of an existing customer of the e-charge service

1. The customer can download through the website or can find in any EAC Customer Service Center (CSC) the form:

Ε-Ζ-001_Application for the provision of e_charge Service.pdf

The customer must fill in all the information requested, by selecting the service "Issue of an additional RFID card or cards" and sign before visiting the CSC to be served. It is noted that in case the applicant is a company, a Seal of the company is required.

2. The client will hand over the signed form to the CSC officer and must show an identity card or passport for identification and / or a legally valid information - authorization in case he is an authorised person to carry out the above act. The CSC officer will hand over the RFID card(s) to the customer.

3. The Non-Regulated Activities Unit, upon receipt of the signed form with all the information completed, will activate the card(s).​

Pro​​cedure for replacing an RFID card of an existing customer of the e-charge service

1. The customer can download through the website or can find in any EAC Customer Service Center (CSC) the form:​

Ε-Ζ-001_Application for the provision of e_charge Service.pdf

The customer must fill in all the information requested, by selecting the service "Replacement of RFID card" and sign before visiting the CSC to be served. It is noted that in case the applicant is a company, a Seal of the company is required.

2. The customer will hand over the signed form to the CSC officer and must show an identity card or passport for identification and / or a legally valid information - authorization in case he is an authorised person to carry out the above act. The CSC officer will hand over the RFID card(s) to the customer.​
3. The Non-Regulated Activities Unit, upon receipt of the signed form with all the information completed, will activate the card(s).

Proc​edure for terminating an e-charge service or an RFID card

1. The custom​er can download through the website or can find in any EAC Customer Service Center (CSC) the form:​

Ε-Ζ-002_Application to Terminate e-charge Service or RFID card.pdf

The customer must fill in all the information requested and sign before visiting the CSC to be served. It is noted that in case the applicant is a company, a Seal of the company is required.

2. The customer will hand over the signed form to the CSC officer and must show an identity card or passport for identification and / or a legally valid information - authorization in case he is an authorised person to carry out the above act.​
3. The Non-Regulated Activities Unit, upon receipt of the signed form with all the information completed, will deactivate the card(s) and/or the WEB Application(s) of the customer.
4. A final account invoice will be sent in case of termination of the e-charge service.